Preparation of cement silo before installation

2020-05-2869Bonnie Yang

Our reputable Camelway Company has installed many concrete batching plant all over the world. In order to facilitate transportation, exported cement silos are separated, so workers need to install them on site. Here are some preparations before installation:

(1) the customer prepares the site according to the foundation drawing provided to our company, and the equipment can enter the site only after the foundation is completed and inspected and confirmed by relevant personnel;

(2) the installation and construction of the silo shall be arranged as far as possible before the installation of other equipment. The customer shall provide the leveling site, power supply, domestic water and electricity, etc. according to the tank size ranging from 1000 to 2000 square meters.

(3) equipment at the scene should ensure that all vehicles enter and enter smoothly so as to facilitate the normal operation of truck cranes and transport vehicles.

(4) all foundation surfaces shall be flat, and the size and bearing capacity shall meet the requirements of the size and bearing capacity of the foundation drawing. The user must do a good job of pulling wires between the foundation center lines, so that the installation personnel can check and confirm on site.

(5) the user shall be responsible for solving the problems of installation quality and project time delay caused by the foundation production.

Contacts: Bonnie Yang, mob/WhatsApp: +86 17839193601, email:

Cement Silo
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+86 17839193601

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