HZS120 Concrete Batching Plant a complete set of reliable equipment for the preparation of various mixtures, with a productivity of up to 100 m3/h of compacted concrete per hour, from the Chinese manufacturer of concrete mixing equipment Camelway. This concrete batching plant has in-line aggregate batcher, 4 bins of 25 m3 each, chemical, water and cement dispensers, which makes it possible to accurately dose the ingredients. Gravel and Sand are supplied to the mixer by a conveyor belt. This Batching Plant has a twin-shaft horizontal concrete mixer JS1500. The whole process of preparing the concrete mix is automated, the plant is controlled from the operator's cab.
You can get the latest FOB or CIF price for this HZS120 concrete plant on our website by filling out an application on our website. Also with us you can pick up related equipment for your enterprise.