What shoud we do in installation of lifiting hopper or inclined belt

2020-10-1048Bonnie Yang

The conveyor of aggregate of concrete batching plant is operated in 2 ways, namely by lifting bucket and by tilting belt. Which is better? How many cement barrels are appropriate?

Generally speaking, no matter what kind of feeding method is chosen, there is no difference in the working process of the cement concrete mixing station, but the specific working process is very different, which is difficult for ordinary users to choose.

  1. Area. In terms of floor area, lifting hopper loading can save equipment floor area, while inclined belt loading can cover a larger area.
  2. Investment expenses. The lifting hopper makes a relatively small investment in the batching plant. Inclined belt type equipment need more investment. You can choose according to your actual economic situation.
  3. Maintenance costs. Although the loading area of hopper is small, it costs twice as much to maintain as the belt.
  4. The advantages and disadvantages of feeding. The aggregate of the lifting hopper is more dispersed and the inclined belt is relatively stable. Therefore, the user can choose equipment according to their actual situation of the feeding way, but whether it is bucket type feeding or inclined belt type feeding, we can ensure the quality, you can rest assured to choose!

In addition, the cement silo is also the batching plant's essential device, which used to store powder. How many cement silos are usually suitable?

  1. Due to the distance between the concrete batching plant construction site and the bulk cement plant, if the distance is close to one, it is not necessary. And even if it is not necessary, bulk cement bins will be used.
  2. The construction site of the batching plant is affected by the use of raw materials. If fly ash is used in addition to cement, at least two cement silos will be required even if it is close to a bulk cement plant.

If you want to know more about the equipments, just contact me anytime. Bonnie Yang, mob: +86 17839193601, email: bonnie@camelway.com.

lifiting hopper
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