Concrete Batching Plants Same as Toma KAROO

2020-05-1288Hito Yang

Recently, a customer from south africa asked me that if we can offer a concrete batching plant same as Toma's Karoo Mobile Concrete Batching Plant. I know that supplier and their batching plants before, they offer 30 and 45 cubic meters per hour dry concrete batching plant, which means the concrete batching plant don't equiped a central mixer. This kind of concrete batching plant use the truck mixer to mix the concrete mixture, so it also called as truck mix concrete batching plant.

In the past, I was told that many clients have changed their ideal to not choose the truck mix concrete batching plant because the bad mixed quality of the concrete. When people choose a concrete batching plant that don't equiped a concrete mixer, they choose a lot of uncertainty of the concrete quality.

Why Wet Concrete Batching Plant

My advice to customers is to choose a wet concrete batching plant as much as possible, the reasons are below:

  1. Better concrete quality, the wet concrete batching plant has a central mixer, the materials can be well mixed before they unload into the concrete truck.
  2. Relatively cheap price, In the past, the price of wet concrete batching plants are very expensive, but now a small concrete batching plant of Camelway can as low as 20000 USD Dollars.
  3. The life of concrete that is not fully mixed evenly is very short, and buildings built with these concretes may have security risks.

Camelway's Wet Concrete Batching Plant

As you can see in our website, Camelway's Wet type concrete batching plant have statioanry and mobile type, the stationray batching plant can be divided into skip type and belt type, every type of concrete batching plant have its applications. For example, skip type concrete batching plant for small size project, mobile concrete batching plant for temporary works.

Contact Us for your ideal Concrete Batching Plant

We have more than 30 years experience to help customers to build their concrete batching plant, We look forward to working with you in your next project.

Toma Batching PlantConcrete Batching PlantKaroo Batching PlantBatching Plant South Africa
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