Advantages And Disadvantages of Mobile Concrete Batching Plant

2020-05-14271Hito Yang

Mobile concrete plant is a facility for production of concrete on wheels. It can move in any direction and at any distance. The use of mobile concrete plants can significantly reduce production costs. The technological process is characterized by high environmental friendliness.

Advantages of Mobile Concrete Batching Plant

It does not require a serious foundation.

Installation, dismantling of a mobile concrete plant within a few hours.

Thanks to the presence of a wheeled chassis, the mobile concrete plant has a high transport maneuverability. The “mobility” of such plants implies not just the compact dimensions of the equipment used, but, above all, the possibility of transporting the entire plant from one construction site to another in an extremely short time.

The obvious advantages of mobile concrete plants include the deployment of concrete production in remote areas and in the shortest possible time. This becomes possible due to the lack of need for laying the foundation. Moreover, the assembly and start-up of concrete production takes only a few hours, the same time is required for dismantling the production.

Disadvantages of Mobile Concrete Batching Plant

Limitations on the number and capacity limits on aggregate bins for transportable and trailer types of mobile concrete plants.

Mobile concrete plants have a number of their obvious drawbacks, first of all, their low productivity. This drawback is caused by the small capacity of cement silos and aggregate bins.

Mobile concrete plants are high-tech devices, with many complex compents, the latter circumstance leads to the fact that such equipment is unrepairable in the field. And the last, but important disadvantage of mobile concrete plants, is the limited operator room.

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