Skip Concrete Batching Plant 3D Image


The operation mode of skip type concrete mixing station is a fully automatic concrete production process. All parts are weighed and loaded automatically. The productivity of these plants ranges from 10 m3 / h to 75 m3 / h.

Advantages of Camelway Skip Concrete Batching Plant

  1. Occupies a small area and usually from 100 to 200 square meters.
  2. Installation is fast and convenient, generally only 3-5 working days to complete the installation.
  3. Modular structure, easy to transport and disassemble.
  4. The buyer can choose a full-automatic or semi-automatic control system.
  5. Production of high quality concrete to meet the needs of various projects.

Camelway manufactures concrete plants and all components, including a concrete mixer, aggregate batchers, cement silos, etc. We have specialists who provide sales and after-sales services for African customers.

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