How should we solve the noise problem of concrete batching plant?

2020-09-29172Bonnie Yang

When we go through some of the concrete batching plant far can hear the "rumble" noise, loud and harsh, especially in the dead of night, seriously affecting the lives of surrounding residents, such a batching plant is the object of environmental protection to be banned. So where does this noise come from, and how do we solve it?

Concrete batching plant work noise mainly comes from the following aspects:

  1. Forklift, loading, vehicle noise;
  2. Air pump supply and exhaust noise;
  3. Unloading and transferring parts of batching machine;
  4. During the mixing process of the mixer, the sand and gravel collide with the agitator arm and reamer, causing high noise;
  5. Large impact and high noise between finished product and discharging hopper and tank truck during unloading;

The reason for the loud noise caused has been found, so the noise pollution can be solved:

  1. The whole sand and gravel field is completely sealed and sealed with sandwich sound insulation board, so that the noise can be digested internally;
  2. Supply the small concrete house for air supply device such as air pump and air storage tank, it is suggested to choose hollow brick + concrete mode and hydraulic cylinder for discharging cylinder;
  3. The batching machine and the belt conveyor are fully encapsulated, and dust removal and noise reduction devices are installed in the transit part;
  4. Sound insulation board is used for packaging of the mixing machine;
  5. The brand of the host machine selects the large-brand mixer with high manufacturing precision, and the gap between the lining plate of the tank body and the stirring blade can reach below 0.5mm, so as to avoid the squeal when the gap is too large for mixing. The special boring machine is used to improve the parallelism of the two stirring axes so as to improve the smoothness of the transmission system and reduce noise.
  6. Modify the discharge hopper by selecting chute discharge or adding a wear resistant plate with strong toughness in the discharge opening.

The problem of large noise in the concrete mixing station can be solved by controlling the noise propagation externally by using materials with good noise reduction performance, reducing the noise generation internally by means of designing and controlling the noise source in detail. In addition, you can also plant greening around the mixing station, so that the mixing station equipment built in the forest, green environmental protection is the way to go.

Bonnie Yang, mob: +86 17839193601, email: [email protected].

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