Why Choose Bucket Type Concrete Batching Plant inTanzania?


Why Choose Bucket Type Concrete Batching Plant in Tanzania?

Recently, a Tanzania client asked me a question after seeing the bucket type batching plant working process on youtube, "why they use this bucket type of elevator instead of conveyors?" He told me, while most batching plants use conveyors to convey the aggragate to the mixer, he was curious about it, does it has any benefical/negative effect on the mix?

Why Choose Bucket Type Concrete Batching Plant inTanzania

The truth is both bucket type and belt type batching plant working well, but they have different characters, customers should choose batching plant according to their own need. 
The advantage and disadvantage comparision between batching plant with bucket elevator and belt conveyor.
For Bucket batching plant 
Advantage: bucket feeding system stands a small footprint, the plant has a simple constructure, and easy to relocation Disdvantage: low feeding speed and capacity
For Belt batching plant 
Advantage: Belt conveyor has a long transter distance with high efficiency and low errors
Disdvantage: large footprint, high electric consumption, more investment on batching plant equipment

The basic difference between the two kinds batching plant is the way to transporting aggregate, backet elevator or belt conveyor. Usually, large batching plant will be equipped with belt convery, while the small batching plant chooses bucket elevator, which is the best choice for equipment efficiency and capatical investment. But I have a Tanzania who chooses the belt conveyor instead of bucket elevator for his small hzs25 batching plant, and this 0.5m³ batching plant works well in Tanzania. So what's the price of this small batching plant in Tanzania ?  normal;"/>Normally, the hzs25 batching plant with standard configuration is FOB22,000usd-25,000usd. Please don't ask me batching plant price directly without your detail requirement, it's impossible to give a exact answer. Here I'd like to propose some key points for batching plant price, which can explain why there are so large gap of the batching plant price ? All in all, batching plant capacity, quality, manufacturer, configuration. The batching plant, which has a large capacity and high quality from famous manufacturer, is absolute expensive.

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