Small Concrete Batching Plant for Sale Tunisia

2020-05-2934Hito Yang

This Small Batching Plant sale in Tunisia is a compact quick-assembly units for the preparation of plastic concrete mixtures with a productivity of 10 to 25 m³ / h (for compacted concrete) with 2 or 3 bins aggregate batcher, they can compactly placed and operated at construction sites. Equipped with twin shaft concrete mixer of 500L.

Small Concrete Batching Plant  for Sale

This Small Type Batching Plant works in automatic mode, it is launched through the program control panel. A full cycle of technological operations occurs without human intervention while maintaining a constant quality and quantity of concrete mix produced.

Skip Hoist load aggregates into the concrete mixer of the batching plant. A Screw conveyor is installed in the cement feed silo located directly above the concrete mixer, through which cement is fed into the metering hopper. Weight dosing takes place in two separate bins - for aggregates and for cement - using electronic scales on load cells.

As early as 2015, we have cooperated with customers from Tunisia, and we look forward to more customers from Tunisia buying our equipment.

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