Onsite Concrete Batch Plant: Production Ready Mix Concrete at Construction Site

2020-04-1592Hito Yang

There are many ways to get concrete for project, for most small projects, contractor often order concrete from a central mix ready mix plant, It is very convenience to buy concrete from a commercial operation central mix concrete plant, but there are also disadvantges to buy concrete from it. First, Buy concrete from central mix plant usually very expensive, you need to pay more for the transportation and pumping service; Second, some projects are far from the city, long-term transportation may affect the quality of concrete.

For medium and large projects or projects far from the city, the Onsite Concrete Batching Plant is a perfect equipment for contractor to product concrete at constrction site.

Onsite Concrete Batch Plant

There are many advantages for contractors use the onsite concrete batching plant to product concrete themself.

  1. Fast to setup: onsite concrete batching plant has the modular and simple structure, it just need 7 to 14 days to setup a onsite batching plant accroding to the size.
  2. Low initial investment cost: It just cost as low as 30000 USD dollars to buy small onsite concrete batching plant.
  3. Save a lot of money: with a onsite concrete batching plant, you do not need to buy concrete from a concrete supply company, in most countries, it will save about 20 dollars per cubic meter of concrete.

Onsite Concrete Batching Plant

Onsite Concrete Batching Plant is kind of concrete production facility that use to production concrete at the construction site, It is optimized for engineering use owns the advantages of simple, stable and reliable.

Onsite Concrete Batching Plant Manufacturer

Camelway is a large and experienced concrete batching plant manufacturer founded in 1983 in Central China, provided more than 200 onsite concrete batching plants for various state-owned contractors in China in past 3 years. We also provide many concrete batching plants for clients worldwide, such as Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, South Africa, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Morocco, etc.

When buy Onsite Concrete Batching Plant

Some of my clients have the doubt that in what situation that they should buy a concrete batching plant rather than buy concrete from concrete supply company. My advance is calculation the cost in different situation. Usually, It is a better choice to buy a concrete batching plant if your project need concrete more than 20,000 cubic yards.

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