Mobile Concrete Batching Plant for sale in Ethiopia

2020-08-0258Hito Yang

Mobile concrete plants can be moved to another location and adapted to any external conditions. The construction of highways, airports, tunnels, dams - all these industries have their own features and impose their requirements for configuration of concrete plants.

Mobile concrete plants fully meet two very important requirements:

  • modular construction
  •  the capability of mounting/dismounting within the shortest possible period of time (preparation of plant for concrete production on a new construction site takes 2-3 hours).

Mobile Concrete Batching Plant for sale in Ethiopia

Camelway's Mobile Concrete Batching Plant for sale in Ethiopia

Basic characteristics of mobile concrete plant is its compactability and operating reliability.

  • Mobile plant;
  • Ready to work in 2-3 hours’ time;
  • Real performance of a twin-shaft horizontal mixer: - 90 m3/hour;
  • Fully-autonomous work on preparing the Concrete mixtures;
  • Equipped with all necessary equipment, cables and delivery pipes laid in the structure of plant;
  • Equipped with automated computer control Beton Mind and capable to autonomously control the mechanisms of the hydraulic system;
  • Has constructive solutions for precise dosing of inert materials;
  • Does not pollute the environment;
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