HZS50 50m3/h Concrete Batching Plant in Senegal

2020-06-1776Lina Zhang

Camelway HZS50 50m3/h Concrete Batching Plant start to working in Senegal.

In Jun. 10th, a 50m3/h batching plant was installed successfully in Senegal, this plant start to produce concrete. Clients are very satisfied with this machine.

50m3/h concrete batching plant also is known as one skip hopper concrete plant, which use hopper transport aggregate from weighting machine into concrete mixer. It is high efficiency, more energy saving and more uniform mixing.

Concrete batching plant consists of material batching, mixing and electric control system, etc, which is professional equipment for ready mix concrete production, such as plasticity or dry concrete. Camelway concrete mixing plant is widely used in small and medium construction products, road, bridge project, and concrete prefabrication factory.

HZS50 concrete baching plant

Features of 50m3/h concrete plant:

1. Land space saving;

2. Automatic operation production line;

3. Optional configuration;

4. Modular structure,easy transportation and quick install;

5. Higher efficiency with patent design. 

Parameter of HZS50 concrete plant:

HZS50 concrete plant

If you are also interested, please contact us without hesitation:

Lina Zhang.

Email: [email protected].

Mob/WhatApp: +86 15617584955

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