How much money will pay to set up concrete batching plant?

2020-09-1042Bonnie Yang

Before investing in a concrete batching plant, we will definitely calculate the overall investment cost. In fact, in addition to the purchase of equipment, there are many other cases that have to be invested. Today we will do the calculations and make it clear that how much will spend in the concrete mixing plant.

HZS120 batching plant 3

  1. The raw material cost of the batching plant: the cost of all materials such as cement, sand, sand, gravel, fly ash, slag powder, admixtures, etc., can be calculated relatively simply based on the mix ratio and the unit price of raw materials.
  2. Freight: Mainly the fuel consumption of various vehicles, mainly including the cost of mixer trucks, pump trucks, loading trucks, etc., which can generally be calculated through statistics.
  3. Employee wages: Generally, the total wages of the employees are linearly related to the production volume. This depends on the wage level of each region and the situation of each enterprise.
  4. Depreciation of equipment: What needs to be considered is the depreciation period. For example, the boss is set to recover the cost in 5 years, that is, the total amount of equipment/the expected output in 5 years, that is, the depreciation expense of equipment in each square concrete.
  5. Marketing expenses: include all expenses incurred by the Marketing Department in the concrete mixing plant sales process (catering, entertainment, kickbacks, etc.), which should be kept within a range.
  6. Water, electricity and communication costs: including water, electricity and communication costs incurred in the concrete mixing plant production process and in the living and working process of the employees, which are relatively fixed.
  7. Consumables cost: the cost of certain consumables in the concrete mixing plant, such as pump pipe, S valve, etc., oil of the mixing plant, oil filter, air filter, tire consumption, etc. (also available for the pumping plant and loading plant), lining board of the forced mixer, mixing arm, oil, etc.
  8. Testing fee: mainly includes the annual inspection fee for the concrete mixing station weighbridge and test equipment, and the testing fee for the testing station.

If you want to know more about the machines, just contact me. Bonnie Yang, mob: +86 17839193601, email: [email protected].

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