foundation working of the Concrete Batching Plant

2020-08-0184Hito Yang

Some users may be aware of the concrete batching plant foundation is not as deep as possible, in fact, according to the actual situation to do the foundation, must be in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturers to ensure the safety of the foundation. As long as size and depth are built in accordance with blueprint, intensity of concrete is up to standard, and elevation of foundation is level with construction site, depth of foundation has no strict demands.

 Concrete Batching Plant Concrete Batching Plant

The big equipment capacity large than 50m³ per hour require extensive foundation preparation work in preparation of the concrete batching plant. Foundation work is also formed in concrete for the aggregate batching system.

Small batching plant require specialized concrete and steel work beneath the mixer machine itself and lesser degree of foundation preparation for the batching systems.

All the engineering blueprints showing the foundation pads and equipment location will be supplied to you at no charge. You will have to meet and pay the cost with your local soil engineer to confirm your soil conditions that supports the foundations and equipment. It is also the buyer’s responsibility and cost to work with local officials to confirm any zoning or regulations for installing a concrete manufacturing plant.

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