Factory Direct Sale Mobile Concrete Batching Plant in Africa

2020-06-0130Hito Yang

Mobile concrete batching is where batching equipment is set up onsite and the concrete is produced onsite, eliminating the need for concrete mixing trucks to transport the concrete from a depot. Mobile concrete batching plant is essential for any project that requires large amounts of concrete over a long period of time.

We Camelway provide concrete batching plant for sale at a competitive price and with a guarantee of quality product and service. Our concrete batching plant is high quality and fitted with advanced technology designed for efficiency.

Factory Direct Sale Concrete Batching Plant

For mobile concrete batching hire there is a range of plant that can be used. While the concrete batching equipment is portable, it is designed to be transported to site, set up and left until the end of the job. From its spot on site concrete mixer trucks or open bodied trucks such as side tippers can transport the concrete around site to its destination.

Original mobile batching plants were bulking and consisted of three large silos where the sand, gravel and cement were stored, which would then lead to central location were water was added and the mixture was agitated before being loaded into transport.

The mobile concrete batching plant technology has come a long way since then and has been able to reduce the size dramatically. Now the mobile concrete batching plant for hire can come in the size of a semi trailer. This means the concrete batching plant takes up less space on your work site, giving you more room for your equipment.

We can help you out with a mobile concrete batching plant for your next construction job, no matter how big or small. Our mobile concrete plant is available for sale across Africa Countries including in South Africa, Tanzania, Nigeria, Togo and others.

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