Custom Designed & Manufactured Concrete Batching Plant for Sale

2020-04-1728Hito Yang

Camelway concrete batch plant design that is driven by the demands of efficient, sustainable, and consistent concrete production. Whether you're a large volume or small market producer, Camelway Machinery can custom design a concrete batching plant configuration to meet your specific production requirements. Custom design allows for a concrete batch plant layout that makes the most efficient use of your site and permits the user to tailor storage and production rates specific to their markets. We can supply central mix, transit mix, decumulative, and dribble batch concrete plant designs that are suitable for any ready mix concrete producer, concrete products and precast operations, and on-site concrete production. Custom design is affordable and a practical consideration for your next capital equipment investment.

Custom Designed & Manufactured Concrete Batching Plant

Skip Type Concrete Mixing Plant

It is use the skip lifting hopper charge the aggregate into the mixer, has small area and simple structure, capacity from 20 to 75 cubic meters per hour. The mixer can be twin shaft mixer or planetary mixer, widely used in ready mix and precast industry, also used by some block making factory.

Belt Type Concrete batching Plant

It is use the belt type to tranfer the aggregate into the mixer, bigger than the first one, but have bigger productive capacity, can produce 50 to 240 cubic meters of concrete per hour, many large project use this type of concrete batching plant, it was widely selected by concrete supply companies.

Mobile Concrete Batching Plant

It is a facility than can product quality concrete at jobsite and tranfer to another jobsite simply, do not need foundation work, suitable for product concrete in short time, capacity from 25 to 120 m³ per hour. Mobile concrete batching plant loved by a lot of build contractors.

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