Concrete Mixing Plant LIEBHERR Compactmix 0.5

2020-08-01177Hito Yang

Concrete mixing plant LIEBHERR Compactmix 0.5 is a small concrete mixing plant of up-to-date design: simple, reliable and equally suitable to produce ready-mixed concrete, as well as concrete for production plants or finished structures.

small concrete batching plant

Technical specifications:

  • The number of stored concrete sorts: 1 - 4;
  • The productivity of cement augers: 25 t/h;
  • Max. weight load for concrete aggregate: 1500 kg;
  • Max. weight load for concrete: 250 kg
  • Max. weight load for concrete for water (alternatively): 120 l;
  • The size of ring-pan mixer of the company Liebherr: 500/750 l;
  • The productivity on harsh concrete: 30 m³/h;
  • The productivity on freshly placed unconsolidated concrete: 43 m³/h;
  • Required water pressure (in open valve): 4-6 bar;
  • Required water pressure (in open valve): 58-87 PSI;
  • Total power for basic machine: 30 kW;
  • Operational stress and frequency 400 V /50 hz;
  • Additional warehouses volumes for concrete aggregate: pocket bunker 40m³, inline bunker 70 – 140m³, star-shaped warehouse 300 – 800m³.
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