Concrete Batching Plant Manufacturer in South Africa

2020-04-1468Hito Yang

Camelway is a leading manufacturer of concrete mixing equipment. Since 1983, our company has been supplying concrete mixing equipment worldwide. The geography of deliveries extends to the countries worldwide, Asia, Africa and other countries of the world.

One of the most successful developments of the technical services of Camelway is the HZS series Concrete Batching Plant with a productivity of 50 m³/h. Since 2003, the plant has produced and installed more than 100 such plants both in Africa countries (South Africa, Nigeria, Tasania, Burkina Faso, Morocco, etc).

HZS series batching plant is a universal concrete mixing plant in which modern design solutions are applied, providing for the ratio of low energy consumption, high productivity, compactness and reliability in operation.

Concrete Batching Plant

Concrete batching plant manufactured by Camelway Machinery is capable of producing any known type of concrete. This technology allows you to use any known type of fillers and even expands the range of fillers used. For example, you can use uncalibrated natural gravel up to a diameter of 30-40 cm, and in some cases even more. This technology allows the production of heavy-duty fine-grained concrete directly at the construction site. This is especially important in the construction of high-rise structures, construction in remote and inaccessible areas, as well as in areas in which there is a lack of gravel (production of high-strength sand concrete).

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