Concrete Batching Plant for Sale in South Africa


Camelway supplies concrete batching plants and facilities for tailored to customer needs. The technology of each of the different fresh concrete applications makes the design in each of the installations very different. Tell us your need, we have a personalized solution.

concrete batching plant south africa

Concrete Batching Plant Characteristics

We have a wide range of equipment and facilities specially designed for the manufacture of fresh concrete and mortar. Quality machinery that Camelway distributes and installs "turnkey" ready for operation.

  • Production Capacity up to 240 t / h
  • Ready Mix and Precast Concrete
  • Aggregate Bin capacity up to 36 m³
  • Cement Silo capacity up to 200 T
  • Various Concrete
  • Solid additive dosage
  • Mobile Concrete Batching Plant
  • Stationary Concrete Batching Plant
  • Skip Concrete Batching Plant

We design and manufacture customized batching plants according to:

  1. The space available of the batching plant
  2. The final application of concrete
  3. The specific quality and production needs of each case

Our concrete mixers have different designs and capacities depending on the application, either manufacturing precast elements or mix fresh concrete.

The characteristics of the aggregate batchers also depend on the application, the number of bins and their storage capacity depend on the number of particle size fractions, the proportion of each of the fractions in the planned manufacturing formulas.

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